Before & After School Care
Select a school below for more information and to register.
Please only complete the enrolment form if your child has never attended Star Club before. If they have attended previously, but not for a while, contact us at to see if we still have their enrolment details.
Public School
St Bernard’s
Primary School
Star Club is an OSHC (out of school hours care) service licensed by the Department of Education and Communities. We aim to create a safe, welcoming space for the children where they can feel a sense of belonging.
Play, sport and relaxation are set within a social context and are valued as a means for children to explore, imagine, create and achieve. Educators aim to work in partnership with children, families and school staff to provide a stimulating, enjoyable and purposeful program.

Nurture the Individual

Adventure, Play and Silliness

Celebrating Diversity

Connection to the Community

Industry Leading Practices
Educational Program
Play, relaxation and learning
We aim to collaborate with children to provide play and leisure opportunities, which are meaningful to the children.
The curriculum aims to challenge school-aged children to be curious about what is of interest to them, whilst developing self-identity and social competencies. The program will include a range of planned and spontaneous activities including sport, creative experiences, relaxation, games, music, drama, movement and other surprises. The program will be based on the children’s interests and play-based learning.
Educational Program
Play, relaxation and learning
We aim to collaborate with children to provide play and leisure opportunities, which are meaningful to the children.
The curriculum aims to challenge school-aged children to be curious about what is of interest to them, whilst developing self-identity and social competencies. The program will include a range of planned and spontaneous activities including sport, creative experiences, relaxation, games, music, drama, movement and other surprises. The program will be based on the children’s interests and play-based learning.
Enriching Experiences
Incursions, excursions & extra curricular activities
To enhance the educational program and extend on children’s interest, Star Club incorporates workshops of specific disciplines; there is no cost for term-time workshops, excursions and incursions. These workshops could include:
• Boxing
• Archery
• Yoga and meditation
• Drama and creative story telling
• Projects inspired by incursions e.g. Scientist visit
To further enhance the educational program, children may be invited to attend local walking excursions with staff. Excursion locations may include the park, local shops or a local school.
Enriching Experiences
Incursions, excursions & extra curricular activities
To enhance the educational program and extend on children’s interest, Star Club incorporates workshops of specific disciplines; there is no cost for term-time workshops, excursions and incursions. These workshops could include:
• Boxing
• Archery
• Yoga and meditation
• Drama and creative story telling
• Projects inspired by incursions e.g. Scientist visit
To further enhance the educational program, children may be invited to attend local walking excursions with staff. Excursion locations may include the park, local shops or a local school.
Nurture and Wellbeing
A big welcome for everyone
Nurture and Wellbeing
A big welcome for everyone
Engaging Educators
Experienced, nurturing, playful team
Our team is characterised by their dedication to the education and care sector. We participate in ongoing professional development and workshops, keeping us at the forefront of the sector. All our staff bring their own special skills and talents, each with their own unique style of interacting with the children.
Several of our team members are able to speak two or more languages. Our staff are fully qualified at a variety of levels. Staff aim to build positive interactions with children and families to form meaningful and trusting relationships.
Engaging Educators
Experienced, nurturing, playful team
Our team is characterised by their dedication to the education and care sector. We participate in ongoing professional development and workshops, keeping us at the forefront of the sector. All our staff bring their own special skills and talents, each with their own unique style of interacting with the children.
Several of our team members are able to speak two or more languages. Our staff are fully qualified at a variety of levels. Staff aim to build positive interactions with children and families to form meaningful and trusting relationships.
On 2 July 2018 the Child Care Subsidy replaced the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. The Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to services to be passed onto families.
For more information on how to apply, please refer to the Australian Governments New Childcare Package Information.
You can also find information on the Department of Human Services website.
Once you have applied through Centrelink and enrol with Star Club, we will help you finalise the documentation needed to ensure any entitlements are received.
On 2 July 2018 the Child Care Subsidy replaced the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. The Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to services to be passed onto families.
For more information on how to apply, please refer to the Australian Governments New Childcare Package Information.
You can also find information on the Department of Human Services website.
Once you have applied through Centrelink and enrol with Star Club, we will help you finalise the documentation needed to ensure any entitlements are received.
Exceeding rating for Pagewood Public School
Please Note: All Star Learners & Star Club are SunSmart organisations. Hats may have been removed in some images for the purposes of photography.